Pat Blum

Pat Blum

Pat Blum is a past WRJ Board Member, a past president of the Southwest District and a past president of the Temple Emanuel Sisterhood in McAllen, Texas. She was also the recent co-chair of WRJ’s Online Auction.

Voices of WRJ: Vayeishev

Pat Blum
November 22, 2013

This week’s torah portion, Vayeishev, is filled with life lessons. We not only read the story of Joseph, but also the story of Tamar, Judah’s daughter-in-law. Tamar’s tragedy is evident. She has lost her husband, and she has no offspring to give her life purpose and to secure her status as a widow.  Judah and Tamar are in-laws who have reached a crisis point in their relationship. At first, Judah supports Tamar’s right to marry into her husband’s extended family. However, when Onan also dies, Judah blames Tamar. Judah’s abiding sense of loss and resentment block his reconciliation with Tamar. Thus, Tamar finds it difficult to move on.

Friday Voices: God's Good World

Pat Blum
October 12, 2012

A few weeks ago, we observed Rosh Hashanah, traditionally considered the birthday of the world. This week's Torah portion, Bereshit, starts with the beginning – creation. God created a universe of harmony, balance, and beauty in six days, sanctifying the seventh, Shabbat, with a well-deserved rest.