Julia Weinstein

julia weinstein headshot

Julia Weinstein is a member of the Commission on Social Action of the Religious Action Center of Reform Judaism where she represents WRJ on the CSA Amicus Brief Committee. Previously, Julia served on WRJ’s North American Board as WRJ Vice President of Advocacy and Marketing & Communications and WRJ Vice President of Programs and Education as well as on the Pacific District Board as an officer. She was a recipient of the 2022 WRJ Women’s Empowerment Award. Julia is an attorney and member of the bars of California and New York. She is a member of Wilshire Boulevard Temple in Los Angeles, CA.

Voices of WRJ: Noach

Julia Weinstein
October 24, 2014

This summer, I traveled to China with my family. We visited the Great Wall, the Forbidden City, the Guilin District, and Shanghai. It was a fascinating trip and we enjoyed the food, the people, and the sights. While in Shanghai, we decided to visit the Ohel Moshe Synagogue, one of only two synagogues in Shanghai, and now the home of the Shanghai Jewish Refugees Museum. This was one of the highlights of our trip and a moving experience for the history buffs in our family. The Ohel Moshe Synagogue, built in 1927 and renovated by the People’s Government of Hongkou District in 2007, and the adjacent exhibit halls of the Shanghai Jewish Refugees Museum, are located in a peaceful residential area, far from the glitzy and upscale Bund, in an area once known as “Little Vienna.” To walk into the synagogue, a small, serene sanctuary with one room, a bimah and a balcony, is to walk back in time.

Voices of WRJ: Parashat R’eih

Julia Weinstein
August 2, 2013

It is hard to believe that we are already halfway through WRJ’s Centennial year. And what a year it has been! We celebrated the Centennial in our own synagogues with Centennial Shabbat services and cakes decorated with the Centennial logo. We celebrated the Centennial with our sisters from North America and abroad at the WRJ Fried Leadership Conference and on the WRJ Centennial Trip to Berlin and Israel. At the Centennial Symposium in New York, we learned our history, studied the legacy of our founders and honored our fore-sisters.