Julia Weinstein

julia weinstein headshot

Julia Weinstein is a member of the Commission on Social Action of the Religious Action Center of Reform Judaism where she represents WRJ on the CSA Amicus Brief Committee. Previously, Julia served on WRJ’s North American Board as WRJ Vice President of Advocacy and Marketing & Communications and WRJ Vice President of Programs and Education as well as on the Pacific District Board as an officer. She was a recipient of the 2022 WRJ Women’s Empowerment Award. Julia is an attorney and member of the bars of California and New York. She is a member of Wilshire Boulevard Temple in Los Angeles, CA.

WRJ Voices: Chol ha Moed Sukkot

Julia Weinstein
October 18, 2019

Do what brings you joy! Choose joy! Plant what brings you joy! EnJOY your life more! Such exhortations are common in today’s messaging on the benefits of mindfulness and self-actualization.

But what is joy? How do you recognize it? And why is it important?


WRJ Voices: B'shalach

Julia Weinstein
January 18, 2019

Water is a precious natural resource – both life giving and life sustaining. Yet, in many parts of the world, water supplies are scarce or dwindling. What does water scarcity mean to us today and what does Torah tell us about how to mitigate this scarcity?


WRJ Voices: Chukat

Julia Weinstein
June 22, 2018

Her grandkids’ friends refer to her as the “tech grandma.” At 101 years of age, not only is she healthy, engaged, and fit, but she is also an accomplished Facebook, email, iPad, and Mac user.

After 45 Years of Roe, the Fight for Reproductive Justice Continues

Julia Weinstein
January 22, 2018
Forty-five years have passed since the Supreme Court decision in Roe v. Wade affirmed a woman’s right to make her own choices about her body and her health. Yet this groundbreaking decision is now facing more threats than ever. In fact, while the right to an abortion is still the law of the land, abortion is available to fewer and fewer women.

Celebrating Rosh Chodesh Sivan at the Kotel with Women of the Wall

Julia Weinstein
May 28, 2017

When I signed up for WRJ’s 2017 Journey to Israel I knew that the itinerary would not only include the historical and cultural sights one would expect to visit in Israel but also offer unique and very special experiences that would set it apart from my...