WRJ YES Fund Grantee

The Leo Baeck Education Center: A WRJ YES Fund Story

October 14, 2022
The children went to typical summer camp activities like movement workshops, clowning, capoeira, ball games, crafts, etc., as well as special events, included a “Joker Day” in the circus, a day of culture through music and food, a day of challenges in Acco Park, a bilingual performance at the Acco Theater, and a movie at Movieland Haifa. Through all of this and more, 99 Arab and Jewish children we able to put down shared roots, create friendships, and build tolerance that will change how Arabs and Jews see and understand one another for generations to come.

From the RAC to Rabbinical School: A WRJ YES Fund Story

Ally Karpel
July 22, 2022
My relationship with WRJ began with a business card. It was June 2018, and the URJ Board of Trustees was convening in Austin, TX, for their annual Board meeting. As a recent graduate and former student leader at the University of Texas Hillel, I was asked to lead Shabbat morning services for the URJ Board before joining Board members for lunch and a discussion on how to best engage college students in the Reform Movement.