Trish Joseph

Headshot Trish Joseph
Women of Reform Judaism

 Patricia "Trish" Joseph is a WRJ North American Board member and, along with Trina Novak, a co-chair of the Education to Action Advocacy Committee and the WRJ says STOP Initiative. She is also a member of the YES Fund Grant allocations committee. She is a retired physician and a member of the Isaac M. Wise Temple in Cincinnati, OH. She serves on the board of Women of Wise and co-chairs the programming committee. 

Our Hidden Stories

Trish Joseph
Trina Novak
Shoshana Dweck, VP of Social Justice, Temple Shaaray Tefila, Bedford Corners, NY
April 7, 2023
Nearly all of us have been harassed, assaulted, or both at some time in our lives. We typically don’t discuss this and may not even admit it to ourselves. These are our hidden stories. Telling these stories was difficult, but we felt “lighter” afterward. It was no longer a burden on our souls. By sharing these stories and working on the WRJ says STOP Initiative, we feel we can change the culture in these sacred spaces.

Parashah B'har

Trish Joseph
May 20, 2022

Parashah B’har outlines the laws for yovel, or jubilee, in the land of Israel. Every seventh year, the land is to be laid fallow for a shemitah, or sabbatical year. After 49 years, an additional fallow year (yes, two in a row) is observed as a jubilee year...

Is it Ok to Hug You?

Trina Novak
Trish Joseph
April 8, 2022
Do you belong to a “Hug and Kiss” congregation? In our communities, we greet each other with big hugs often accompanied by a kiss. This is part of our culture. These actions are fine if the two people are in consensual agreement. But, what happens when community cultural behaviors cross the line?

Get Involved in Advocacy

Trish Joseph
Trina Novak
September 24, 2021
Are you interested in Advocacy but uncertain how to proceed? Are you overwhelmed by the number and frequency of advocacy requests? Do you feel like you do not have enough time or can’t afford to be involved? Many women have these concerns. Read about how you can fit advocacy into your life and your sisterhood.