Sarah Greenberg

Sarah Greenberg (she/her) is the former assistant legislative director at the Religious Action Center of Reform Judaism, where she was also an Eisendrath Legislative Assistant in 2013-2014. Sarah graduated in 2013 from Cornell University and is originally from New York City.

The Difference of 23 Cents: Gender-Based Wage Discrimination Continues

Sarah Greenberg
September 18, 2013

Yesterday, the US Census Bureau released new data on the wage gap between men and women in the United States from 2012. American women are on average, making 77 cents to every dollar a man makes, unchanged from last year. This figure has not budged over the past decade.

The numbers are frustrating on their own. But this inequity goes beyond the numbers and has real and serious affect on women and families and basic costs of living: food, housing, education, and retirement. Reform Jews in North America have been active on the issue of women’s economic justice for more than thirty years, but there is still so much more work to be done.

Lifting Our Voices and Urging the Senate End Workplace Discrimination for the LGBT Community on September 17th

Sarah Greenberg
September 16, 2013

For many years, Women of Reform Judaism, alongside the Reform Movement, has been dedicated to ensuring that lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender individuals enjoy the rights they deserve as people and as citizens. These rights include but surely are not limited to equal access to civil marriage and all the related federal protections, protection from sexual orientation and gender identity-based, bullying and hate crimes, and at this crucial juncture, employment discrimination.