Rachelle Weiss Crane

A woman with shoulder length blond hair and dark square frames, wearing a white long sleeve top, and a circular metal necklace smiles against a black background.
WRJ North American Board Member
Women of Reform Judaism

Rachelle Weiss Crane is Past President of her WRJ Sisterhood at Temple Emanu-El Dallas, where she currently serves as a congregational Vice President.  She is Vice President of Marketing and Communications of WRJ's Southwest District, a member of the ADL Texoma Board, and a member of WRJ's North American Board.

Parashat D'varim

Rachelle Weiss Crane
August 5, 2022
This week's Torah portion, D'varim, is the first parashah in the book of Deuteronomy. It begins with a series of speeches given by Moses to the Israelites. In Hebrew, the word d'varim is defined as 'words,' yet it means not just 'words' but also 'things' or 'matters.' D'varim can be weighty or significant. D'varim shows that words matter.

Engaging Young Women with WRJ

Rachelle Weiss Crane
November 26, 2021

A tapestry of generations—that’s one of the taglines our Temple Emanu-El WRJ Sisterhood has used to reflect the importance of including women* at every age and stage in our sisterhood.

Voices of WRJ - Mishpatim

Rachelle Weiss Crane
February 12, 2021


Mishpatim is filled with detailed rules and regulations. It would be naïve to read the interpersonal laws about the treatment of animals, slaves, and property and how to offer kindness to strangers as mundane. This is far from true.

Voices of WRJ: B'haalot'cha

Rachelle Weiss Crane
June 12, 2020

Judaism offers each of us a unique lens to view the world; I am especially grateful for the way in which my understanding and perception of light has been transformed by our tradition.