Rachel Schulties

Rachel Schulties headshot
Women of Reform Judaism

Rachel Schulties is a member of Barnert Temple in Franklin Lakes, NJ. As the Chief Operating Officer at Marketsmith Inc., a woman-owned and led marketing agency, she has been committed to lifting the next generation of talent and ensuring that all voices are heard and have an equal opportunity for advancement. Rachel has tapped into her professional skills to educate within her local community and support the reform movement on a global level. In addition to her commitment to Judaism, she is particularly passionate about advocating for racial justice and has taken the opportunity to speak locally about her family's challenges as both an interfaith and mixed-race household.

Abby’s Story: A Juneteenth Reflection

Rachel Schulties
June 17, 2022
I want to tell you about my daughter Abigail. She is a vibrant seven-year-old who loves to dance and sing, color beautiful pictures of our family, swim like a fish, and cuddle with our dog, Pepper. She is so much like me it’s scary. My Grandpa Roy would say she is a tough broad. She is also walking through life, facing challenges in a way I barely knew existed before she came into my life.