Micaela Sheinhait

Micaela Sheinhait

Micaela Sheinhait is the 2022 Presidential Nominee to WRJ's Board of Directors. Micaela began her career on WRJ's staff and is excited to come back in this new role as an Individual Member and Board Member. She has her M.A. in Nonprofit Management and Leadership from The Hebrew University of Jerusalem and is Development Manager at Boston University Hillel. She lives in Waltham, Massachusetts with her husband, Evan, and rescue pup, Lilith. In her spare time, she can be found at her local therapeutic riding center spending time with horses and riders of all ages and abilities. 

Let Us Be Like Esther and Elena

Jane Taves
Micaela Sheinhait
March 14, 2022
In June 2018, twenty-three women converged in Jerusalem for WRJ's Wilkenfeld International Women's Leadership Seminar. One of the women was Elena Izmailova of Ukraine. Last month, these women reached out to Elena who lives in Odesa to check in on her. This story is what the term sisterhood is all about. Read more about Elena here.