Merle Feld

Merle Feld Headshot

Merle Feld is an esteemed and beloved poet. She is the author of a memoir in poetry and prose—"A Spiritual Life: Exploring the Heart and Jewish Tradition"—and a poetry collection, "Finding Words." Her poems appear in a variety of groundbreaking volumes, including Mishkan HaSeder, Mahzor Lev Shalem, Siddur Lev Shalem, and The Torah: A Women’s Commentary. Her award-winning plays The Gates are Closing and Across the Jordan have been presented nationally and internationally. Since 2000, she has been a pioneer in the field of spiritual writing, guiding rabbis, adult seekers, and clergy students across denominations to explore and deepen their spiritual lives ( A recipient of honors for poetry, playwriting, and activism, Merle has shared her life with Rabbi Edward Feld, a distinguished spiritual leader and author, with whom she has parented two children, Lisa and Uri.

We All Stood Together

Merle Feld
February 10, 2023

My brother and I were at Sinai

He kept a journal

of what he saw, 

of what he heard,

of what it all meant to him.


I wish I had such a record 

of what happened to me there

It seems like every time I want to write

I can't —
