Madi Hoesten

Voices of WRJ: Ki Tavo

Madi Hoesten
September 4, 2020

Parsha Ki Tavo focuses on the Israelites entering Canaan and reiterates the laws detailed elsewhere in Deuteronomy. As Adele Berlin writes in The Torah: a Women’s Commentary , “These laws…..aim to regulate society when Israel settles in Canaan.” Ki Tavo...

WRJ Voices: B'Chukotai

Madi Hoesten
May 31, 2019

B’Chukotai. One of the Torah portions that people avoid like the plague- (literally -like the chapters about the plagues). Here is a vision of G-d that we don’t want to embrace. The passages are full of blessings and curses.

WRJ Voices: Ki Tavo

Madi Hoesten
August 31, 2018

This week’s Torah portion, Ki Tavo, begins with a vision of the Israelites entering the Promised Land, settling down, and tilling the soil.

My First Trip to Israel

Madi Hoesten
June 28, 2018

Finally! My first trip to Israel! I can say with no uncertainty that my first experience in Eretz Yisrael was anything but typical. Dead Sea? Nope. Massada? Nope. Tunnels? Well, you get the idea…

Yet, I feel that I came away from this adventure greatly...

WRJ Voices: Vayeira

Madi Hoesten
November 3, 2017

This week’s Torah portion Vayeira has many themes to ponder. The difficulty comes with wrestling meaning from some of the more outrageous and seemingly heartless actions taken by Abraham, Sarah, and G-d.