Lindie Henderson

Lindie Henderson

Lindie Henderson is a WRJ Chai Society member. She is a Past President of the WRJ Pacific District and a Board Member of Women of B’nai Israel in Sacramento, CA. Lindie also serves on the WUPJ North American Advisory Board. 

Parashat Ki Tisa

Lindie Henderson
March 10, 2023
We know in our own lives the importance of leadership, collaboration, and structure, and what occurs when these essentials fall apart. There is distrust, crisis, and failure to communicate from the top down. Dealing with multiple changes and insecurity is exceedingly difficult, especially in new circumstances with little stability or predictability for the future. Self-government is a new concept that creates uncertainty, insecurity, and vulnerability. Leadership is a challenge. Responsibility suffers. Yet, Parashat Ki Tisa is a story of evolution.

Parashat Vayeira

Lindie Henderson
November 11, 2022
Right now, women have opportunities to make a difference in every aspect of life: in our families, communities, country, and the world. Perhaps, it is not our obligation to finish this work, but it is our responsibility to act, participate, stand strong, and work together within the various opportunities to repair our world. It would appear that a major effort must continue to ensure the rights and opportunities of all women and hope that G-d listens and guides us as we do the work of Women of Reform Judaism and other groups who share our values, visions and goals.

WRJ Voices: Emor

Lindie Henderson
May 4, 2018

As we consider the Jewish calendar, observance of Shabbat, Rosh Chodesh, and the festivals, laws governing roles and obligations have value and offer guidance.

WRJ Voices: Tol'dot

Lindie Henderson
November 17, 2017

We are all recognizing the challenges in our complicated world whether from the devastation of hurricanes, fires, tornados, floods, mass killings, or prejudice, poverty, famines, and the list grows longer. We ask what we can do and how we can do whatever is...

Shalom from the WRJ Israel Trip

Lindie Henderson
June 5, 2017

Forty-six women began a travel journey on May 21st in Tel Aviv. We had WRJ in common although many of us were meeting for the first time. Our connection began over food and a getting to know you ice-breaker that would unfold over several days...