Linda Ferguson

Parashat Balak

Linda Ferguson
July 15, 2022
As I write this d'var Torah so soon after the shooting in Highland Park, IL., I am struck by the hate or the fear that brings this behavior. The fear of the unknown, of an individual or community that isn't like us. I am disturbed by the unwillingness to accept the stranger, yet we are a nation founded on strangers. I am scared that people have such difficulty acknowledging the differences among us and seeing them as strengths. I worry about the lack of help and compassion for those who emotionally can't find their ground. I am also in awe of God's might and ability to remind our Jewish community of his teachings.

Parashah Mikietz

Linda Ferguson
December 2, 2021
I chose to write this Voices piece because I felt the date was convenient, little did I pay attention to it as part of Joseph’s story.  My son Jesse’s Hebrew name is Josef, and his Bar Mitzvah Torah portion was Vayeishev, part of the Joseph story. Now I am writing a Voices piece about Parashat Mikietz. Coincidence?

WRJ Voices: Vayishlach

Linda Ferguson
November 23, 2018

The setting is in the land of Shechem in Canaan, where Jacob and his family are staying after their brief reconciliation with his brother Esau. Usually, I would begin by summarizing the story but we run into problems right from the second sentence:
