Linda C. Kramer

Linda Kramer headshot
WRJ North American Board Member
Women of Reform Judaism

Linda C. Kramer is a WRJ North American Board Member and a member of Congregation Beth Am Women in Los Altos Hills, CA.

Parashat Haazinu

Linda C. Kramer
October 6, 2022
Parents provide lessons for their children and for good or bad, we are role models for our children.  It behooves us to remember that our relationships are what’s most important. The memories we leave for our loved ones allow us to live on and not be forgotten. But how is it that we want to be remembered? At the end of life, we must continue to create joy in the moment and to find ways to enjoy what we now have. Moses’ words illustrate that we need a meaningful relationship with our loved ones, even though we know that relationship must end with death.