Lillie Heyman

Lillie Heyman

Lillie Heyman (she/her) is originally from Florham Park, New Jersey, where she was a member of Congregation Beth Hatikvah. Lillie graduated Phi Beta Kappa from the University of Michigan's Gerald R. Ford School of Public Policy in 2020 with a BA in Public Policy and minor in Sociology: Law, Justice, and Social Change. On campus, Lillie was heavily involved in Dance Marathon, facilitated a project-based leadership development program at the Barger Leadership Institute, served as an elected representative in Central Student Government, assisted in sexual assault prevention research, and sang in a Jewish a cappella group, Kol Hakavod. She has interned for M.P. Cheryl Hardcastle in the House of Commons of Canada and Senator Cory Booker in his DC office.

She is excited to dive into Jewish social justice advocacy with the RAC following her work as a campaign field organizer in Michigan and Georgia for the general and runoff elections. Lillie's legislative portfolio includes reproductive health and rights, economic justice, labor, disability rights, women's issues, and human trafficking. She will also be working with the Women of Reform Judaism.

Awaiting the Final Decision

Lillie Heyman
June 12, 2022
The Reform Movement’s long commitment to reproductive rights is grounded in the belief that each person should have agency and autonomy over their own bodies and is inspired by the Jewish value of kavod ha’briyot, respect for individual dignity. Abortion is key to our fundamental rights and freedom to control our bodies, health, and our futures. We must raise our voices to protect abortion rights and the fundamental rights to bodily autonomy of all people.

Going Beyond Roe to Honor its 49th Anniversary

Lillie Heyman
January 26, 2022
Last Saturday, January 22nd, marked the 49th anniversary of the US Supreme Court’s landmark Roe v. Wade decision. The Roe decision was revolutionary, as it protected a pregnant person’s right to have an abortion without excessive government restrictions. Now, we face a grim reality that Roe may not reach its 50th anniversary. This spring, the Court will deliver its decision in Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization, the case that could functionally overturn Roe. If this happens, almost half the states in the US are poised to ban abortion entirely.

People of Faith Say: Abortion is Essential!”

Shoshana Dweck, VP of Social Justice, Temple Shaaray Tefila, Bedford Corners, NY
Lillie Heyman
December 13, 2021

Bright and early on the sunny Wednesday morning of December 1st, members of the faith community joined together for a moment of grounding to celebrate our support for abortion access and honor the dignity of those seeking care. At the pre-rally, interfaith...