Judy Wexler

Judy Wexler
Vice President, Member Services
Women of Reform Judaism

Judy Wexler serves as Vice President of Member Services for the North American Board of WRJ, where she is proud to promote WRJ's three pillars of Sisterhood, Spirituality, and Social Justice to WRJ's approximately 30,000 members. Judy is a past sisterhood president and past synagogue president of North Shore Congregation Israel in Glencoe, Illinois. She is a former practicing attorney and teacher, and currently helps prepare young adults for their B’nei Mitzvah.


WRJ Voices: Korach

Judy Wexler
July 5, 2019

Every summer my husband and I take a bicycling trip. It has provided an opportunity for us to see parts of the world we would not have otherwise visited, while remaining active.

WRJ Voices: Sh'lach L'cha

Judy Wexler
June 8, 2018

I grew up in a fairly traditional Jewish family, and I became a Bat Mitzvah at the age of 13. When my synagogue initially told me that I would not be allowed to read from the Torah, I had my first moment of recognition of what I considered injustice.

WRJ Voices: Pinchas

Judy Wexler
July 14, 2017

This week’s parashah, Pinchas, addresses the census taken as the Israelites were poised to enter the Promised Land. With a few exceptions, the census lists only men. However, it does mention Zelophehad’s daughters, as he had no sons.