Jennifer Daley

Voices of WRJ: Eikev

Jennifer Daley
August 7, 2020

As we begin a new year for sisterhoods/women’s groups, never has a parashah been truer. We have been physically distanced from our sisterhood friends and WRJ sisters for six months now.

WRJ Voices: Pekudei

Jennifer Daley
March 8, 2019

Where do we look? How do we find them?

This week’s Torah portion, Pekudei, concludes the book of Exodus. The construction of the Mishkan or portable Tabernacle used by the Israelites in the desert is complete and we are told of its success.

WRJ Voices: Matot Mas'-ei

Jennifer Daley
July 13, 2018

As we reach the end of the book of Numbers (B’midbar), this week’s double portion, Matot-Mas’ei, reminds us to find our voice and to not fear change. In the portion Matot, Moses gives the Israelites G-d’s instructions regarding vows and oaths.

WRJ Voices: Va-y'chi

Jennifer Daley
January 13, 2017

This week begins the final portion of the book of Genesis, Parashat Va-y’chi, which deals with Jacob and his final blessings for his son Joseph and burial wishes preceding his death. We find Jacob in failing health, concerned with his legacy. Jacob makes...