Jane Taves

Photo of Jane Taves

Jane Taves is the WRJ Vice President of Engagement. She is an active member of Temple Beth El in Madison, Wisconsin, where she serves on the sisterhood Executive Board and the congregation Executive Committee.

Jane has been a member of the WRJ North American Board since 2013. She also serves as a trustee on the Union for Reform Judaism (URJ) North American Board and is a member of the World Union for Progressive Judaism (WUPJ) Executive Board. She has a passion for WRJ, the Reform Movement, and Global Jewry.

Jane is retired from a career in healthcare software at Epic Systems, where she was one of the founding members. Over the years at Epic, her roles included software development, project implementation, and sales.

Along with her volunteer work, Jane greatly enjoys theater, opera, and worldwide travel. She has one adult daughter and one grand dog.

Parashah Tazria-M’tzora

Jane Taves
April 16, 2021


Tazria-M’tzora – that dreaded parashah that sends B’nai Mitzvah families screaming into the night. And who can blame them? With detailed, unflinching descriptions of bodily discharges and scaly skin disease, these portions are a challenge for modern...

Voices of WRJ: B'reishit

Jane Taves
October 16, 2020

B’reishit. “Beginning.” A new beginning. How thrilling that every year we get to start over. The gift of an unblemished new start, untouched by triumphs or challenges. We finish the story and we immediately begin it again.

At my congregation for Simchat...

Voices of WRJ: B'midbar

Jane Taves
May 22, 2020

Recently, I spent a Sunday afternoon at a virtual “Spring Training.” Spring Training is a program that the Union for Reform Judaism organizes every year at this time.

WRJ Voices: Yitro

Jane Taves
January 25, 2019

I have a special fondness for this week’s parashah, Yitro. The most important reason for this is that Yitro was my Bat Mitzvah parashah.

Like so many women, I became a Bat Mitzvah as an adult. In 1998, I saw a small article in my congregation bulletin...

My Day on the West Bank

Jane Taves
July 19, 2018

I recently had the opportunity to visit Israel as part of the 2018 WRJ Wilkenfeld International Women’s Leadership Seminar.