AIDS (A Most Important Resolution of Our First 100 Years)


The tragedy of AIDS.


People with AIDS are facing the trauma of terminal illness and are also being subjected to inhumane discrimination and isolation in all aspects of their lives. People with AIDS are being evicted from their dwellings, losing their jobs and being denied access to public accommodations and community services and education.

Our Jewish tradition calls upon us to offer healing and give comfort to the sick. We must ensure that people with AIDS do not become strangers in their own lands.


Therefore be it resolved that the National Federation of Temple Sisterhoods and its members:

  1. Call upon NFTS affiliates to urge their government to increase the financial and human resources assigned to the tasks of research in the diagnosis, prevention and treatment of AIDS in a manner consistent with the urgency of this human crisis; and that all aspects of the disease become a major health priority;
  2. Call upon the governmental bodies (legislative, executive and judicial), consistent with official public health policies, to prohibit discrimination against individuals with AIDS and their families;
  3. Call upon its member Sisterhoods to support community education and to provide for their members further education about AIDS through information provided and presented by knowledgeable professionals.