Related Blog Posts on Advocacy

Women of B’nai Israel of Sacramento Responds to Migrant Crisis

Eve Panush
June 20, 2023
As 35 migrants on two chartered flights from out of state were dropped off in Sacramento with no advance warning, the Women of B’nai Israel saw the developing crisis firsthand and knew what had to be done, as congregants of Congregation B’nai Israel, which is a member of SacACT (Sacramento Area Congregations Together).

WRJ Leaders Attend RAC's Day Of Action

May 25, 2023

Earlier this month, Women of Reform Judaism attended the Religious Action Center's Day of Action as part of the Power for Purpose: The Reform Movement's Campaign for Climate Justice. The event began with words of inspiration from Rabbi Jonah Pesner, LaTosha...

Commission on Social Action Meeting Recap

Betsey Hurwitz-Schwab
May 25, 2023

WOW! I have just attended my first in-person Commission on Social Action (CSA) meeting. I have attended several meetings on Zoom, but it is different in person. There were many expert speakers who came in to talk with the group. The topics were serious but...

Parashat Pinchas

Michelle Rosen
July 22, 2022
As we read this week’s Torah portion, Parashat Pinchas, we are reminded that women have always needed to assert themselves to be treated equally. The five daughters in this parashah decided to stand up for their beliefs, challenge tradition, and suggest the creation of a more impartial law. It is extremely important to note that only a few women are named in the Torah, and each of these five sisters had a name. They are Mahlah, Noah, Hoglah, Milcah, and Tirzah. We should also mention that in the Bible, these five daughters appear on three different occasions (Numbers 27 and 36 and Joshua 17). Each time they are together, it denotes not only their importance but likewise the importance of ‘sisterhood.’

Get Involved in Advocacy

Trish Joseph
Trina Novak
September 24, 2021
Are you interested in Advocacy but uncertain how to proceed? Are you overwhelmed by the number and frequency of advocacy requests? Do you feel like you do not have enough time or can’t afford to be involved? Many women have these concerns. Read about how you can fit advocacy into your life and your sisterhood.

August is National Immunization Awareness Month: The Mitzvah of Vaccination

August 12, 2021
As a Jewish woman and proud staff member of Women of Reform Judaism, I was honored to take on the mitzvah of vaccinating myself against COVID-19. To me, this is an act of chesed, loving-kindness, that encompasses so much of what I’ve learned from my time at WRJ. Vaccinating aligns strongly with the mission of fostering spirituality, sisterhood, and social good: when we achieve herd immunity, we are stronger together.

On Voting Rights

Anjelica N. Ruiz
August 5, 2021
I was asked to join the RAC’s Racial Justice Campaign leadership and research teams in February as they began work on their next advocacy campaign. I was also honored to be a speaker at the kick-off for the Freedom to Vote campaign. At the core of all social work is protecting the right to vote and ensuring that everyone has the freedom to vote, which the RAC has worked on for over 60 years. Black and brown people in this country have been disenfranchised at the ballot box for too long and without ensuring equal access to voting, there cannot be any progress towards other issues that our movement cares about.